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  1. I

    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    @resjudicata Yea, I want aggressiveness since I’m young. Also you just described my old employer 401ks YTD 😅
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    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    @resjudicata What % of mid vs small cap would you say?
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    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    @yahwahistheway Sadly not I have to clikc individually
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    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    Wow I really went too complicated then with this?
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    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    @yaki Nothing else?
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    Help with Brand new 401k Plan picking funds

    Hey all, I recently started a new job and am looking at my choices, I'm 25 years old and my company does a weird match% but in the end it caps at $8,000. I have the means to fully max out my $20,500 and get the $8,000 match. That said, here's my options: Target Date Funds - T. Rowe Price...