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  1. H

    I was rear ended - other driver at fault. Insurance has accepted responsibility. I’m worried they will want to total the vehicle.

    @caymele I’m sorry this happened. I would absolutely anticipate a phone call letting you know the vehicle is totaled. You can ask about owner-retaining the vehicle but you’ll get less of a payout but still get to keep the car and then you can just fix it if you so desire.
  2. H

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @stryker4 ER bills absolutely inflate the charges. They will charge for a level 4 visit when it was actually a 2. Again. Can tell ya never worked in injury claim handling lol If you suffer an injury as severe as you stated, I’ll pay you what’s fair and reasonable which is more than what you...
  3. H

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @stryker4 Yes it’s called inflating the bills to try and enhance the appearance of the injury thus expecting a bigger payout. You’ve obviously never worked in injury claims if these concepts are foreign to you lol
  4. H

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @stryker4 Umm because you need to be able to confirm the treatment you’ve received is due to the accident you were in??