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    if you earn 7%, you will double your money in 10 years (rule of 72)

    @philip_b AND the listed REITs can be having properties around the world , not just SG :) AND 0% withholding tax for individuals, unlike 10% from MY-listed REITs
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    if you earn 7%, you will double your money in 10 years (rule of 72)

    @mattmanticus - simple one-shot view of current price VS trailing 12 months' dividends + gearing ratios & etc. NOTE - the DY% shown is BEFORE 10% withholding tax ya, not net
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    750k condo for first home + ownstay, 0% down payment, partially furnished. Bad idea or not, for sub-7k salaryman?

    @griffithjose Simple rule of thumb: total housing cost pa. should be 25% or less than your net active income pa. Reason: Less stress, less house-rich but life-poor, more cash flow to invest consistently & have emergency buffer, home = expense not $ generating asset. Side note - mine was 20%...
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    if you earn 7%, you will double your money in 10 years (rule of 72)

    @mattmanticus Er.. REIT investor here. One look at your data on IGBREIT already questionable - 10%+pa net DY%? Unless one bought at crashed prices and held, may be, but on average net dividend / price every year - nope.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @thenoble If i may suggest, dont over complicate things. Unless your savings is >=50K, i'd suggest staying around the "starter-pool" vs non-MY accounts & other stuff. In addition, if U don't have 6 months' expenses saved up separately as emergency piggy bank, also better not, especially if no...
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    S&P 500 For 0 Knowledge Investing?

    @energy_solutions If U have enough emergency funds for >= 6 months' average living expense +have enough medical/hospitalization insurances +have enough death insurances if U have peopler dependent on U financially +understand and have the discipline to execute a long term (more than 10 years)...