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  1. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @joinfree That's a fair point. There are cheap places that are only an hour's drive from a major town/city but if you have family living in Auckland and you live in Gore or whatever then yeah that could be a problem.
  2. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @tanyastark Technically, even $135k can buy you a (barely) livable house right now. (more pictures here) They're not common and you might have to wait a while for one to show up though. Problem is, these houses are in very, very isolated areas with no services nearby (e.g. Ohai, Nightcaps) or in...
  3. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @jermyn I've finished a few introductory courses including "Automate the Boring Stuff", Harvard's CS50x, O'Reilly's "Introduction to Python", the Great Courses' "Introduction to Programming", Tutsplus' "HTML and CSS in 30 Days" (a bit outdated now), and several of the introductory programming...
  4. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @tboss I think having a wife who follows the same goal can actually make the process even shorter since you would be able to save more with two incomes and buy the one house jointly. But yes, kids are expensive and will definitely muck everything up. Fortunately, I don't intend to have children...
  5. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @luvi That sounds like a great success story! And yes, I'm definitely already interested in FIRE. Hence the reason why if my plan is successful, then any extra income that I make will be directed to cashflow-generating assets.
  6. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @resjudicata Late 20s. I actually did my degree in biochemistry which at the bachelor's level is only good for jobs that pay barely above minimum wage and unfortunately isn't the kind of degree that allows one to work from home. I do have some experience already with Python, HTML/CSS, etc. But...
  7. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @kazu I have no wife, no health issues. I'm not overweight, don't smoke, rarely drink, and not interested in having kids. I understand that circumstances can change but right now, things seem pretty stable for me.
  8. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @adefela77 If all goes well then I could be able to start working as a junior dev after a few years even though it probably won't be WFH. Right now, I live in a mid-sized town rather than the boondocks so such jobs should be possible. Ideally, I'd love to be able to get by with just freelancing...
  9. K

    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    Given the popularity of software development as a career, the rise of people working from home, the spread of high-speed Internet in remote areas, and the explosion of property prices in major cities, I'm dumbfounded as to why we aren't seeing more software developers and those able to WFH move...