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  1. D

    What would happen if SmartShares went belly u

    @joshua1998 Yes, as per my second edit above, after my comment here :).
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    What would happen if SmartShares went belly u

    @christopherinla You just buy into the fund directly with Smartshares, so it's hard to know who owns what beyond that.
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    What would happen if SmartShares went belly u

    Hey all, I'm just about to invest in the US 500 fund with smartshares, for the long term, and am curious as to what would happen if SmartShares the company were to become bankrupt or otherwise insolvent? I don't really understand enought about the legals of things governed by the FMA. Anyone...
  4. D

    Can I use P.A.Y.E money to offset my mortgage?

    @pixey This. Hnry charges 1%. Pretty steep compared to an accountant if you earn anythng over 80k p.a.