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  1. T

    Hypothetically, what would happen if you just didn’t acknowledge the notice of rent increase (i.e., pretended you never received it)?

    @rns52 Kinda went through this last year, although in the dispute we proved we paid rent on time with 6 1/2 years of payment historyb(on time and correct amount) while REA had switched systems and could only show 7 or 8 months. We got an SMS from the REA saying our rent was in arrears by 6...
  2. T

    How has divorce affected u financially?

    @jsw3883 Yeah... nearly became homeless myself and am grateful that a work colleague let me stay at his place as I rebuilt my financial life. I worked hard at getting rid of my debt and it took a long time. I'm 16 years post divorce. I've remarried, have bought a house with my new wife and am...
  3. T

    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @maximum7 I hope it's not the last one of those - the other two can be worked on and strengthened. Looking at some other replies OP has made to those trying to help... hmmmmm.
  4. T

    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @rchl3321 What is the interest rate on your credit card? What is the interest rate on your savings account? Whichever is higher, that is where your money should go.
  5. T

    How to calculate if I can afford property of $xx?

    @667083 This is a great answer and exactly what we did last year. We tool our household income and used a multiple of that (4x) to work out our maximum. We wanted something in the range of 3x to 4x. In the end we settled at 3.2x for our place, though the bank offered us up to 7.5x. We didn't...