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    Seeking Advice: Pros and Cons of a 3rd Floor Small Shoplot

    @nirman762 How many stairs to walk up there? Afternoon not hot? It's right under the roof?
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    [Serious] Worrying about my future career and need advice

    @daniel_b_0506 > Not a good company and not worth with my growth career because bad management Oh boy do I have bad news for you. This is literally 95% of the industry out there with regards to graphics design. The "good" employers are few and far in between, and in most cases the graphics...
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    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 If that's the case then you just have to take care of yourself. IF shit hits the fan and your mom finds herself homeless, dont guilt yourself into paying an arm and leg to keep her housed. You tried, and she didint care. That's good enough to cut off and walk away.
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    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 Tell yourself that its an extremely expensive lesson, and you best figure out how to never make that sort of mistake again, even for 10 cents of loss. Your mom could probably start double checking with you on all dubious transactions. Anything that involves transfer of money...
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    Willing to invest rm10k but not sure what to invest in

    @orthodoxokie Quite frankly I havent touched anything below 5% for a while, and this includes FDs. Anything pops up in terms of options and the % is below 5%, I tune it out because I'm in the phase of life where if I'm investing its for retirement. And I'm talking about stuff that are viable...
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    Willing to invest rm10k but not sure what to invest in

    @orthodoxokie Put into FD and take your time researching. Risk free, and the only thing you lose out is opportunity costs. Just walk into a bank and ask how you can make a FD and ask them to explain how the process works for you.
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    Tax Filling Issue

    @digitalchaos Gross means before any deductions and tax.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @hummelav No advantages beyond being the favourite scapegoat or default target for "help the poor" taxes.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @meesh1070 Being in debt or bankruptcy won't stop them from receiving care and daily necessities from you, or forbid them from living with you in your home. Their debt won't transfer to you. So basically get ready to get a home of your own (or buy their home from them, with name transfer and...
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    Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

    @letsgohome Yeah. Problem for you is that you dont have a way to still work while having to endure those conditions. So just treat it as a temporary disability for now and work something else. Definitely go back to live with parents, they can help take care of you also. You can pay them some...
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    Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

    @letsgohome I think if you're undergoing that type of treatment you'll be unable to perform well anyways. I will advise to get better before looking for a new job. But yeah, if your treatment is causing you to be unable to communicate verbally, you need to find an alternative job pathway. Then...
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    Afraid that I will mismanage my salary

    @marsch Regarding car purchase, I would strongly suggest setting up rules for replacement by another car. So say.. unless the car becomes too expensive to repair or perform maintenance (i.e. engine damage in flood or accident), or is a total loss in accident, you would keep the car for X number...
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    Afraid that I will mismanage my salary

    @marsch Easiest way is to live one step below your income. Set aside X amount each month, put it straight into your investment (i.e. ASB), and forget it ever exists. If anyone asks, your income is the reduced amount. Don't consider it for anything that isn't a home purchase downpayment or a...
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    Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

    @ladyconfused Ahhh yeah okay that makes sense. If sue company that can barely afford it's gonna be a lot harder.
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    Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

    @ladyconfused That's the reason for the performance warning letter- they're pursuing a show cause firing. The process for that must include identification of any unfulfilled or breaches in the employment contract (i.e. low performance), as well as notification to the employee of the issue (i.e...
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    Advice for a Student

    @ashfur Normally I would say that you should not waste your time being idle when you can do something with your time. But if we're talking burn out, its a pretty significant problem and you definitely should learn how to deal or cope with the problem moving forward. So yeah, take a break, do...