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  1. W

    W.r.t Indian Market investment in platinum can surpass gold value?

    @roseinlife Contact your nearest bullion dealer. If they are willing to buy it it’s easy to sell.
  2. W

    W.r.t Indian Market investment in platinum can surpass gold value?

    @corrientes57 Bullion dealers will happily buy it just like any other metal so it is liquid. I added platinum bullion to make it 1% of my PM holding during the first lockdown in 2020. It stays forgotten at the bottom of the locker for now on the off chance that it makes some major moves.
  3. W

    Guaranteed 3x return on equity - is this a scam?

    @bart75 Yes. It’s a scam. Here’s a thumb rule: if such an investment opportunity exists it will move up the food chain and enter the portfolio of the wealthy. The fact that they are offering it to retail customers means that it is not on the up and up and is a scam.