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  1. D

    Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?

    @anushagupta Wise doesn’t charge commissions to accept swift transfers. Just open a euro account. There might be a small fee to transfer to your French bank. Not sure.
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    Can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France?

    @anushagupta No idea. Maybe just ask your bank if it’s possible. If you get a negative answer keep asking until you hopefully get a positive response. It’s basically a savings account with higher interest rates, or is it also linked to a mortgage? Am sure a French mortgage could only be used to...
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    Retirement fund options for UK expat in China.

    @partyvui Not sure about your first and third questions but if you have paid taxes on your CN income I have used Wise to transfer from CNY to other currencies at fair market rates plus transparent fees. Have US investment accounts so not applicable for your situation.
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    US RSU for EU citizen in China

    Am a EU citizen working my first year for a Chinese company in China that are listed in the US. I have US, EU, and CN bank accounts and am tax resident in China. I receive my bonus as annual RSU stock grants. So cashed out most of my RSU this year for around $40k USD and it’s in some sort of...