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  1. J

    Best broker for long term investment?

    @2people1marriage Raiffeisen Rio
  2. J

    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    @uberweston 1.10% for Raiffeisen members. In Zurich.
  3. J

    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @karenlly The higher the interest rates, the higher the risks.
  4. J

    Switched from Swissquote to IBRK in January, didn't get a letter from Calida. What did I do wrong?

    @sue782 That's what the others mentioned, but I would give IBRK a call to clarify. IMO this service HAS to be delivered for Swiss shares. I know it is unusual for other stock markets, but within Switzerland it should work without any higher costs.
  5. J

    Switched from Swissquote to IBRK in January, didn't get a letter from Calida. What did I do wrong?

    Sorry, I didn't know that IBKR doesn't offer this service. Neither could I imagine that this service could cost something. Normal banks (not online banks) offer this service. And IMO it should be the right of every shareholder to be registered. At least for Swiss shares.
  6. J

    Switched from Swissquote to IBRK in January, didn't get a letter from Calida. What did I do wrong?

    @sue782 You have to fill out the form "Generelle Eintragungsermächtigung" to have shares registered in your name. Also inform IBKR that you would like to have shares split by two in your and your wife's name. That's for the future. For this year's Calida letter, contact Calida's investor's...