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  1. M

    What's the case against NPS tier 2?

    @resjudicata There is no incentive. Think of this as an index fund where you can decide the asset allocation. If you choose a DIY index fund with debt fund combination, you will need to rebalance every year. This comes at a cost. NPS with its choice to redeploy assets twice a year gives you a...
  2. M

    What's the case against NPS tier 2?

    @raulcraven Agreed, I believe NPS Tier 2 is a fine option for long term portfolio. Additional points in favor of NPS (both Tier1 and Tier2): We can trigger a manual rebalance twice a year without tax penalty. In the traditional asset allocated portfolio, a yearly rebalance will necessarily...
  3. M

    What's the case against NPS tier 2?

    @jacob1234 Hmm interesting. Have you checked logging a NPS grievance?
  4. M

    What's the case against NPS tier 2?

    @jacob1234 No exit charges. The taxation is not clear though.