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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @aatif Right? Thanks for the response. Definitely going to shop around
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @aatif No, there will be a med exam or they will contact my PCP for a history. And then they also come out and do a blood pressure test during your work hours while working, which I found odd. Anyways asthma isn’t bad. Very controlled with daily inhaled steroid (Advair) but never been...
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @qity I'm 31, soon to be 32 so to me it seemed a bit expensive considering I see quotes estimated in around 50-80 for the same companies.
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @daniel Thank you! A mil is the right amount considering our salaries, lifestyle, kids, etc.
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @aladinair Unsure - meant to ask but ran out of time. Have a call scheduled for tomorrow morning though and plan to ask then.
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @yhjmkiop Thanks this is helpful. Just updated the post as I completely spaced on that detail, but I'm 31 going on 32 in a few weeks, so it did seem a bit high. Definitely going to shop around as I've seen some other quotes for the same companies mentioned here ranging from $50-180
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    I was quoted about $150/mo for a 1mil 30yr term life policy. Was wondering if these numbers looked correct? From a health perspective, I'm in perfect shape, other than having lifelong asthma which he said is a tough one (not sure if he meant having it, for the insurance rate, or both?) I...