Search results

  1. G

    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    @daibhead Thank you! How do you diversify outside the EU?
  2. G

    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    @tabitha8 USD - I bought Tbills - around 5%+ EUR - split between Revolut (3.85%) and Trade Republic (4%). Also Trading212 gives 4%.
  3. G

    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    @cheyanne Probably around 500K-600K Euros
  4. G

    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    Hi, I need your advice on portfolio planning with the goal of FIRE in the upcoming few years (ETA is still not clear). Background - I´m 35 years old, Total Net Worth of around 1.7M EUR, working in Tech - In recent years I have lived as a Digital Nomad in Europe, mainly in Spain, and now...