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  1. P

    Coming off a 2.8% mortgage interest rate - what to do

    @katieflute Mortgage brokers were also still strongly recommending one year fixes as late as year end 2021, I have plenty of friends who got burnt by that advice.
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    Kiwibank now have Google/Apple pay, so you're out of excuses for banking with the Aussies.

    @wedinn Then banks should offer the rates they give via brokers directly to customers and cut them out. Instead they are happy to fund brokers via advantageous rates and percentage back.
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    I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

    @ceraphima But then you also need to take into account there are well over half a million extra people here since then, most of whom flowed to Auckland.
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    I have been spending 60% of my wage on nothing for 8 years

    @jeplet As someone who has never smoked I was at the dairy recently and someone asked for two 20 packs and the cost was $90, I was fucking astounded. I honestly don't understand how anyone not earning six figures can smoke.
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    First home...

    @jankhurram I included the rubber tubing on electrical because a lot of insurance companies will decline cover if you have that in an old house.
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    First home...

    @ron48170 Be careful with the house you buy and do your homework. A lot of those houses in South Dunedin need re-piling, have old rubber tubing on their electrical, have scrimboard and no insulation etc. All the hallmarks of 100+ year old houses.
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    Tax treatment of renting rooms to flatmates in your primary residence? Claiming tax back.

    @onthepathtogod I made a post a year and a half ago about the issues you brought up, the mods essentially said they didn’t care and didn’t want to shut down “engagement”. It’s probably better to think of this sub as “CasualfinancechatsNZ”.