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  1. S

    Officially surpassed $70k net worth today at 28 y/o! How am I doing so far?

    @victoryforever you are doing great for your age! Keep maximizing IRA, great decision. And try to contribute more in the 401k - it is reducing the taxation.
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @maggiehanley I think you can invest better than that 3.8% - that is a great interest!. Check what you can tax deduct, even money in HYSA is a good decision. On the other side, who has a 5-7 % interest, they have more interesting scenario to pay that debt faster.
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    Saving for Retirement Vs Saving for a House

    @otosongphuc At your age and so little into retirement, I will focus into the 401k. Why? with a 2900$ monthly spending, you need to save until 65 years old an amount of 1M. From other comments I learned you save under 1600 per month, that's enough to retire 65 years old if you keep same saving...
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    Time in the market beats timing the market

    @skovc I started investing in shares and ETFs 5 years ago after 1-2 years of paralised indecision (as yours, now). In the last 5 years I have seen several big crushes (Covid - recovered in less than 1 year), Ukrainian war (recovered in 2 months), then recession (recovered almost all). How much...
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    Will not be investing for the next 7-9 years, can I still catch up?

    @ari3l654 Focus on saving now. Even 100-200$ weekly counts - look what you can go down because if you don't go down with this now, you will have to go down more in the future -retirement ages. Most important, focus on reducing the spending for retirement and review that plan. That 120k /year...
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    Invest vs pay down debt?

    @marykate1019 in your place I would contribute the 401k in order to match the employers. For both. All the left over I will push into that 5.9% loans. I know you can invest in the market with a better ROI (SP500 has a 7% average return, and 7% is > 5.9%) but less debt is priceless. On the...
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    To buy a flat vs invest?

    @abim305 You replace a rent with almost identical mortgage, you will jump that 3% annual rent indexation, just check carefully with the bank to be able to refinance /renegotiate the mortgage when the interest will go down. Do it, if the bank is accepting you a little paydown and to keep that...
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    To buy or not to buy a property: I've been renting for 2 years and wondering whether to buy. Should I?

    @benjamin413 For me B, that buy is quite interesting as you will have no rent indexation/no worries etc. Check carefully the location and most important to not need big renovations. Just try to find a better interest so contact several banks. If you cannot negotiate, discuss with the bank to...
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    To buy or not to buy a property: I've been renting for 2 years and wondering whether to buy. Should I?

    @benjamin413 after you finish with buying, check about pension plans and if you qualify for 401k . That is tax deducted and will help you in the future.
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    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    @jaswds You can have loans with less % than the 20% for taxes and a 10% penalty.