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    18 yr old want to invest long term

    @annodynamic thank you so much ill have a read
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    18 yr old want to invest long term

    @paulacs thanks a lot! but one thing tho how does one invest in a Roth ira like does it have types like ETFS (diff companies n stuff) and are dividends part of Roth IRAs.
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    18 yr old want to invest long term

    @resjudicata thank you soooo much
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    18 yr old want to invest long term

    Asalum alaykum, So im 18 yr's old and I been giving a decent amount by my father to learn investing and such. I've already opened and ibkr account. im not really sure if this question has been asked here before, but if I want to invest for the long term and such. is a Roth IRA a separate...
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    Questions about FFOG, FDTX, VCAR

    so Im really interested in these Etfs because they mostly hold Nvdia and AMD in their top 10. but some have questionable and some have non compliant in the etfs. but they only make a few percentage. so what is the threshold for maximum non compliant percentage (for example is 2.2% Boeing makes...
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    How is halal stocks determined (DOCN)

    Im somewhat confused, since DOCN is listed as non compliant on Zoya. But I have no idea how it is considered so, How can one go on about determining of certain stocks are non compliant or not. the main confusion here is DOCN is related to cloud computing and that field, so how is that considered...