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  1. H

    Need some advice on how to move forward with a life application

    @bluelove So why are you uncomfortable signing a document that it disappeared?
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    Need some advice on how to move forward with a life application

    @bluelove If you shared the results (actual office notes from the doctor) with the underwriter and they interpreted those follow-up results as ‘disappeared’ then you should feel comfortable signing. If you told the underwriter about the follow-up and they didn’t have the ability to see the...
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    Need some guidance

    @demetre Correct. Term provides a death benefit in the cheapest premium but as a trade off the coverage effectively ends at the end of the period. The second time I bought term we simply added more 20 year coverage to get to go from 10 to about 20x current salary. The whole life doesn’t pay...
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    Need some guidance

    @kagenonikki I don’t disagree but affordability is important.
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    Need some guidance

    @demetre Ask family, friends, co-workers for a recommendation. Ultimately, you’re going to need to feel this out yourself and be strong enough to back away if you’re feeling pressure. Here is my 2 cents as a non-agent but someone connected to the business: Don’t think of life insurance as...
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    Life insurance exam - how do they measure height?

    @antone YMMV by company and examiner. I’ve been examined twice. First examiner just asked me. Second examiner actually measured without shoes.
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    $100,000 Policy

    @rtld Bene is the bene until a change is recorded with the company. Probably not the news you wanted to hear. I’m sorry you lost your grandma.
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    Insurance medical lab report better than annual physical

    @bmillerware That small difference makes little difference. Your final rating will be based on your age (younger means higher ratings) and the reasons you’re pre-diabetic (BMI probably).
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    Mom’s life insurance company won’t tell me whether I’m the beneficiary or not…?

    @homesteader Yes. It is common. Insurance company admin systems are old and may not have stored the beneficiary because it wasn’t critical for processing premiums . More importantly at claim time, companies don’t want to get the beneficiary wrong because that triggers complaints and lawsuits...
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    Hi. I am an overseas worker for the first time, can you recommend a good OFW insurance provider?

    @xelador You have to be in the US to apply for insurance and then it depends on the country where you are working.
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    Smoking question

    @noguru Commission. By telling you to scam your way into a discount she’ll beat the honest quotes from other producers. If you die, she’ll claim you were the lier to save her skin. Tale as old as time…
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    Smoking question

    @noguru Do everyone a favor and report the agent to her company. She is encouraging you to commit fraud and any contract you issued would fraudulently obtained and your beneficiaries wouldn’t get the benefit you were paying for.
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    Quit smoking almost 1 1/2 years ago

    @tannerking1 They already know he took Chantix. Lieing is pointless at this point.
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey A Roth account achieves the advantages of tax free investment growth everyone is touting here. Without the negatives: - Cost and fees associated with the insurance. - Needing to take a loan in your retirement years. Or the positives: - Death benefit for your beneficiaries - An...
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @bethellens No one’s 401k lost 100% during COVID. There was one bad 9 month period and then the market took back off.
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    Life insurance company told me I’m the beneficiary when I wasn’t to avoid a bad faith lawsuit

    @beauty86 Why would a company want to force an interpleader? Paying the rightful beneficiary is much easier.
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    Are these good rates?

    @carnelia Great rates for someone with your history. Problem is I can’t imagine anyone approves you for accidental death coverage with a recent DUI. Further, if you’re being quoted at non-tobacco rates you won’t get those for at least 6 months - most companies require a year of cessation.
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    Life insurance company told me I’m the beneficiary when I wasn’t to avoid a bad faith lawsuit

    @beauty86 You were not damaged. What are you suing for?
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    @remnant502 Listen to the questions during the exam very closely. You almost certainly don’t need to admit to using nicotine products since you don’t use nicotine. Your husband may not be a current smoker but he will be required to answer the nicotine question yes because it will ask about use...
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    Does a broker earn a higher commission for substandard health ratings?

    @lordagary Maybe you’re right. Quality producers can negotiate with underwriters. Top producers will certainly have more receptive conversations. But there are a lot of factors that dictate success.