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  1. M

    Basic FIF Guide

    @nunuzana Also some ASX listed companies are exempt. You have to search the IRD list.
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    Basic FIF Guide

    @andrewn Nice guide. Mods please add it to the wiki so it doesn't rot. A couple nice tools I've found to check your numbers: Sharesight I also wrote my own app to calculate FIF from IBKR...
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    Cheap but good coffee

    @wildcatfan09 Yeah but you don't actually want to heat them up with boiling water and then put consume them.
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    Cheap but good coffee

    @wildcatfan09 Bags contain microplastics
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @walshmeister OP asked for proteins. A bunch of vegans gave them foods like lentils which have twice as much carbs as protein.
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @gordonmarry Make your own yoghurt with a yoghurt incubator + milk powder + a spoon full of yoghurt.