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  1. M

    Delaware C-Corp with a Japanese subsidiary

    @uoamerica Yes, you can do this. I was a c-suite exec for a multi-national fintech with this setup. Just realize that it may create some issues down the road which may or may not be advantageous. I’m thinking about things like licensing issues if you are selling software etc, transfer price...
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    Is now a good time to buy NISA?

    @jwray The best time to start investing - always and forever - is NOW.
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    help me understand the boj’s considerations now

    @seekingtoserve That is an utterly meaningless statement. The value of yen savings in my other currency is largely irrelevant unless Japan’s savers could only spend in that other currency. The core item is yen’s worth in Japan, and as noted, Japan inflation is low and falling.
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    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @chris0699 30% play money seems insane. A family making 100k should spend $2500 a month on….what, exactly?
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    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    @mpax38 MOVE OUT. You're 27 years old - you need to build your own life. Not to mention, you could pay 1/3 of that for rent. Move out. Now. Like, yesterday. I get that family stuff is hard, but you cannot - CANNOT - sacrifice the rest of your life just because your family seems willing to do...
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    Can I have a side business online while living in Japan on a work visa?

    @andy44 You do have some options as an American living in Japan when it comes to investing. Interactive Brokers is well-known. SMBC Nikko and I think Nomura allow US citizens to trade US-based ETFs. You can trade SPY (1557), which is an S&P500 ETF, from Japan, and not have US withholding taxes...
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    Any downsides to elderly Japanese keeping most funds in 10-year Japanese treasuries?

    @hiscosmicgoldfish3 At their age, the priority is on preservation, not growth. They don’t have enough time to meaningfully generate growth from higher yield investments without facing the risk of wanting or needing to access the money.
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    Future finance planning when buying a house in Tokyo

    @kitty63 3.5% land increase per year is rather aggressive. Real estate prices in the Tokyo area are up 9% over the past five years, which is already well below your forecast of 3.5% annual growth. In the right area / location, you can expect some appreciation, but Tokyo overall is going to see...
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    Move now or later in career when JPY is better? Japanese-American considering FAANG opportunity

    @gingermarie Nobody has any idea what the yen will do. Nobody. There is just as much chance you’ll kick yourself for not moving back when the fx rate was more favorable. With a Y15 million salary and reasonable living expenses you could easily save half of that or more. The cost of living is...
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    Buying a car?

    @andrewk292 Why this obsession with 100k miles?? Have you not bought a car in the last 25 years?
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    Buying a car?

    @andrewk292 There are literally hundreds of cars $15k or less with anywhere from 65-120k miles, which is a great deal. The very first listing was a 2019 CX-3, 70k miles. Any adult-owned, reasonably maintained car of reliable make/brand are built for 200k plus miles. You need to do more than a...
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    Buying a car?

    @fullmoon You don’t need a $50k car. Cars are the absolute worst asset you can possibly buy. You can get a reliable used car that will last you years for $15K. Look for something 3-7 years old. Pay cash. Want to be rich? That's how you do it. Not by taking out debt for a $50k car.
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    Sole proprietorship in Japan - ELI5 + specific questions about salary currency

    @lavenda Just trying to clarify the bolded part - you're saying you're going to raise your prices? One thing to consider is that the yen is about 30% cheaper than it was 18 or so months ago. Nobody knows what the yen will do, but the US-Japan rate differential narrowing seems quite plausible...
  14. M

    Pay cash or line of credit for used car?

    @huey507 Pay cash and be done with it.