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  1. C

    19 y/o college student in the military. Any advice?

    @nduta Typically there has to be a demonstrated value to the military. That said, there are plenty of options. Example: the Army uses mid-career officers (senior Captains and junior Majors) to teach as rotating faculty at the Academy. They need officers in every academic discipline: STEM...
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    19 y/o college student in the military. Any advice?

    @nduta You can absolutely join ROTC and transition your service obligation from the Guard or Reserves. I served as an Army ROTC Professor of Military Science and had Cadets who did this exact thing. Also, as another poster commented reach out to USMA (West Point) admissions to find out more on...
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    When to retire from the military, and how to decide

    @oneinhim I decided to stay until 30 in large part due to the Financial Independence the pension provides. Retirement pay doubles between what an O5 with 20 years and an O6 at 30 years receives. I'm six months out from my 30 year mark and had the opportunity to effectively extend to 32 years...
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    Planning ahead

    @rlpridgen You might want to check out Doug Nordstrom, the author of “The Military Guide to Financial Independence “. He retired at 20 years from the Navy but states that he wishes he had transitioned to the Reserves rather than 'gutting out' the last few years. Interesting life story and...
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    Deployment or commission, from a strictly financial pov

    @gautier Also a prior E, now an O… for perspective: under the old high three system, retirement pay doubles from an O5 with 20 to an O6 with 30. That's the kind of money that allows you not to launch a second career unless you choose to do so. Good luck.