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    How does EUR hedging of US Treasury bills work?

    @lemandas Let's say the underlying index goes up 20%, and EUR gets 20% stronger against USD. The unhedged ETF will have gained 0%, while the hedged one will have 20%, as if you bought it in USD (minus the cost of the hedging). If you look on justETF, you can see that the EUR hedged charts look...
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    How does EUR hedging of US Treasury bills work?

    @nicky_uk I'm not an expert but I suppose the best bet would be the currency which is the most stable relative to RON - which I suppose is still EUR?
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    Just confirm my understanding: Why has VWCE returned below market rate this year?

    @carl1013 Yes, the underlying stocks gained value, but so did the euro, so numerically they stayed the same, even though you're richer.