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  1. J

    Where to store 5k for retirement?

    @michaelaj Buddy at 20 you’re miles ahead trust me lol. Good luck and good fortune in whatever you choose and congrats on taking this first step to financial stability.
  2. J

    Where to store 5k for retirement?

    @michaelaj Either option you pick is going to be a great use of money, so don’t stress too much over which vehicle you pick. There are pro’s and con’s to both and people will argue until they’re blue in the face over benefits - but ultimately both are way better then spending it at the bar...
  3. J

    Where to store 5k for retirement?

    @michaelaj I’d strongly suggest a TFSA and invest in index funds. The big benefit to a TFSA over an RRSP is liquidity (let’s say at 30 you need $10k, you can pull this from your TFSA without penalty but your RRSP will see penalties and taxes). You also pay taxes on every dollar of your RRSP -...