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  1. C

    Dental School Loans

    @kristen_prays Allah will not punish you for not becoming a Dentist. However, there is punishment for dealing in Riba. To deal in Riba is worse than having intercourse with one's own mother. You can be a mechanic, Uber driver etc as long as you are not dealing in interest. That's better for you...
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    Dental School Loans

    @kristen_prays Yes it's haram and "donating" to charity doesn't fix it. You might have to look for another option if there is no way to pay for medical (dental) school without interest.
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    Chase Pay Over Time

    @mekinney01 Please pull up your credit card contact. You are agreeing to pay a certain % of interest if you do not make the monthly payment on time. While you might plan to pay on time. The fact that you are agreeing to that contact is haram. And there is no necessity for it. It's a "convince"...
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    Chase Pay Over Time

    @sbmor777 Again, truth is clear but if you Fatwa shop well enough, almost everything is permissible. They say you can buy a house with Riba if you are in the west, they say woman can travel with Mahram, you can use student loan etc. The truth is clear though. No one can go against Allah and his...
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    Chase Pay Over Time

    @sbmor777 You can find "difference of opinion" on essentially anything you want if you Fatwa shop well enough. However, the truth is pretty straightforward. Allah has prohibited Riba. Allah has cursed the one who takes it, gives it, witnesses it, writes it down etc. If you are saying that you...
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    Chase Pay Over Time

    @sweetpsalmist Having a credit card (different from a debit card) in the first place is not permissible as you are signing a contract agreeing to Riba even if you end up paying it monthly. You can do just fine using a debit card and spend only your own money.