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  1. G

    Two degrees power pricing

    @jellobiafra They give me Frank power as the cheapest at the moment. I don’t see that that is wrong. I think they probably are the cheapest. It’s all costed out on the quote they give. Seems quite legit to me. But I’m probably going with Mercury the second cheapest, as I prefer their...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @walshmeister I watched Eat Well for Less NZ once and they were saying frozen prawns are a good protein to save money. They’re often a lot cheaper than meat. I find they cook right down though to almost nothing so not all that filling. And mince is a lot easier to get a 3yo to eat. I also...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 Oh I’m an animal lover too, and a scientist, and an omnivore. They’re not mutually exclusive like some seem to think. Lab meat sounds great, or there are thoughts one day we might 3D print food. Can’t taste much after Covid anyway. I eat only farmed meat. Couldn’t stomach meat...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 Yes. Most plant proteins aren’t complete. I believe there’s a way to combine plant proteins to complete them, and I thought quinoa was complete. However it’s tricky and you wouldn’t want to get it wrong. I also feel like you need to eat a whole lot more plants than meat to get the...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @childoflight555 Yes! That’s one of my favourite books of hers. Thanks for the reminder. I forgot I had that. Not vegetarian but the recipes in it are really great even for meat eaters wanting to eat more vegetarian for health or reduce costs. Also “meals without red meat” is great too...
  6. G

    Alternatives to museli bars?

    @gjr Broke my tooth on one of those. Came across it unexpectedly in one of those layered supermarket salads. Total nightmare! Had to get tooth extracted. Never again!
  7. G

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @resjudicata Haven’t seen that for years. My mum used to cook it to save money. Can also add it to mince to bulk it out. I bought it a few times as an adult, I didn’t find the flavour was too bad, didn’t seem to need a lot added. Sort of reminds me a little of yeast spread. I used to snack...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @victorbell Good idea but: No roasted chickpeas in this house! Never again! I broke a tooth on one once, it was a nightmare had to get it removed. Now the tooth next to it is broken too and I’m too scared to go to the dentist because I don’t want a huge gap, bad pregnancy ruined my teeth...
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    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @emosoundlogic Thank you. This is very interesting. Never even considered protein powder. Bizzare. It actually seems to be cheaper than meat. Could replace some of my meals anyway, and supplement my 3yo maybe. I’m finding it so hard to keep my weight off these days. Lost 15kg while...
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    Cheap but good coffee

    @enidan I won a very nice coffee machine a couple of years ago that grinds its own beans, so I only really use beans and some pods (paper) I have left over when I run out. The Coffee Collective are probably the best for beans imo . They have a whole range of NZ roasted coffees, range of...
  11. G

    budget advice

    @wordsearch Yes I found CAP helpful to budget my $500 a week with a mortgage and a child! On $1000 a week just for myself that I was getting before, I felt like king of the world. But even CAP don’t have access to miracles unfortunately haha. I did the course online because they don’t offer...
  12. G

    budget advice

    @pemuoi96 Oh! I didn’t even see that. Does OP mean $1000 a month perhaps? Or minimum wage after tax? As in once tax is taken out they get $25 an hour? I mean I was on $32-$35 an hour when I left my old career to have a baby. I got nothing supplied by the company, no food even at night...