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  1. G

    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    @hadassahbride That’s awesome to hear. Thank you very much. I emailed the governor and senator and the senator called me back and left a voicemail. According to coworkers in other Guitar Center’s in CT, they are also having this problem
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    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    @hadassahbride Thank you. I contacted a few job centers and just sent her an email. How long did it take for her to contact you? Did she contact you personally or did you follow one of the links or email the general DOL contact she sent?
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    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    @calvinabume Thank you
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    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    @resjudicata Update: the number to call has been disconnected and there isn’t a number to call.
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    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    @resjudicata Lovely. Looks like I’m getting evicted.
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    [Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls

    I’ve been out of work since March 23rd, and received my last paycheck over a month ago. I’ve been calling to check the status of my claim, because it is a CODE H, saying my funds are being held pending payout for some reason. Every time I use the DOL line, I follow the steps to get to the...