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  1. D

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @beulahshalom So I found lawyers but they definitely want to see the contract while meeting. Could anyone say if it's safe for me to respond to the email requesting payment asking for a copy of the contract? That's what I think I'll do. The alternative is a lawyer requests it on my behalf but I...
  2. D

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @mercedesrub40 I don't think I have a copy of the contract anywhere. I think one of my parents would have signed with me since I was under 18. I'm employed so I think the best course of action would be to come to an agreement regarding small payments if it means way less headache. I left...
  3. D

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    Hi all. I am seeking some advice regarding communication from a bursary company about money owed for a bursary contract I signed at 16 years old. For the first time since I left university 3 years ago they have contacted me and requested payment towards the debt I owe for them for the years I...