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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @maryanna1 Good to hear sometimes this works out! Likewise i'm opting to stay as well, and they are making some immediate changes so it's going alright now!
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @dzheremi Hmm i like to think both ways. They are sensible people, so the next pay review cycle they will be careful not to underpay me as well? It depends really and i can't guess what they'll do!
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @leoncb Damn sounds like the new firm's hr team has a wide network and power in the industry so u're scared u'll offend them? Lol
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @nrg80 nah most companies won't ask for the contract. Our negotiation (with my current company) has completed anyways
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @jamalh But if you tell them in a way that sounded like you're gonna quit, and they make rectifications in salary and other work adjustments, does it still make you look bad? It sort of alleviates the suspicion that you're interviewing to fk with them?
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @riverwood Coz i can understand the reason they've been brushing this off and also the other company kinda sucks in terms of job stability/culture/company performance in general...but yeh i will always have a back up option
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @fidelsandoval I concur with what you said - which was exactly what i did and i feel like if i'd told them, they wouldn't have countered with the amount they did
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @loves2readya I like that thinking, if only every worker treats themselves as a business and not accept underpaid jobs lol
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @lindseym1013 Yeh, i guess i put it in a really polite and respectful way so it turned out well. But I def heard stories where it backfired
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @redwolf6 I agree, it's probably 95% pay related so it validates your point and my reason to stay
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @rockerfox Yeh i absolutely see your points re replaceability and the small industry bit...guess i'll just have to stay alert and be careful!
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @rockerfox Yeh that makes sense, but no i dont think they can backfill me given the responsibilities i am taking + experience + small team budget, But that could definitely happen in a slightly bigger place!
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    Basically a recruiter reached out, hiring for a competitor at a more senior level (one level up from my current one). I have been asking for a title jump given the significant contributions i've made to the small team and firm, but to no avail (they just brushed it away). The competitor gave me...