Search results

  1. J

    US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

    @jesuslover07 Poorer people spend way more as a proportion of their income on food. As such, food inflation can have a drastic affect on their life and personal finances. Food inflation is one of the worst, if not the worst kind of inflation for people of lower socioeconomic standing. So it...
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    Tall Poppies Aussie O&G

    @homeowner Oh, so you're the taller poppy? Is that what you want? Why don't we just tax you then? Ya know, if we taxed you we could pay for the NDIS quite easily. While we're at it, you should give me subsidies. Because I'm the lower poppy and I'm hugely jealous of your success. I'm so...
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    Tall Poppies Aussie O&G

    @homeowner You may be a tall poppy, but I am unequivocally the taller poppy. You have no idea how it feels here at the top. Everyone is trying to bring me down.
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    [Fixed re-posting] The ABS' figure for the food component of the CPI doesn't check out

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    AMP is down 16% today

    @jackson561716 It's been a very long ride to the bottom for AMP. They're just an unscrupulous player in the financial services industry that seem to only bungle whatever they do on a massive scale. Their revenue keeps falling (rapidly), their reputation keeps worsening, they're unprofitable...
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    [Fixed re-posting] The ABS' figure for the food component of the CPI doesn't check out

    @godywife You're absolutely right. There is no way to know. I've had a look at some Woolworths brochures from the time and didn't see it was on special, but that's rather redundant as other detergents were (so a simple change in brand could have the effect of greatly changing the inflation...
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    US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

    @mickcee Larger families and those with mortgages. Consumer sentiment is at levels not seen since COVID lows or the GFC and spending is falling. Rate hikes are working and demand destruction is occurring.
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    Tall Poppies Aussie O&G

    @homeowner You could pay for NDIS 2x over just by getting rid of negative gearing. You don't even have to resort to taxing them at 60%, like you want to with O&G. But property investors keep getting uplifted whilst the successful O&G investors get treated like dirt. Why do O&G investors have...
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    AMP is down 16% today

    @mitane A lot of clowns still hold AMP in very high regard. It's a certified turd of a company.
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    AMP is down 16% today

    As the Notorious B.I.G once said: "I drop unexpectedly like bird shit". Is it finally over for AMP? The final nail in the coffin for this overhyped, unprofessional, and unimpressive business? I think the answer to that is a resounding yes. Pack your bags, ladies and gentleman. It's over.
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    [Fixed re-posting] The ABS' figure for the food component of the CPI doesn't check out

    @godywife The biggest thing I noted was that "Laundry detergent, liquid – Omo Front & Top Loader 2L" which was discounted massively by $8.40, one of the biggest contributors to the Woolworths basket. Laundry detergents already have massive margins so they aren't really susceptible to the...
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    Tall Poppies Aussie O&G

    @axse689 I'm a tall poppy and they're trying to cut me down. But I won't let em.
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    US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

    @mushroom You're one of the worst offenders I that regard. I still remember that lengthy comment you made demanding my qualifications and a and a full explanation from me after I made a 1 line comment saying I had a highly uncertain guess that the Aus CPI read could be a tiny bit hotter last...
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    [Fixed re-posting] The ABS' figure for the food component of the CPI doesn't check out

    This is a repost from earlier this afternoon. Some commentators referred to the fact that a few of my figures were incorrect. This is true. Some figures were wrong. I was in a rush and collating prices from the subtext of Google searches, which resulted in some oversights (as well as...
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    Tall Poppies Aussie O&G

    Why are there so many tall poppies here when it comes to Aussie gas? Woodside's gross margin is 75%. Its net margin is at a shockingly beautiful 45%. 15% ROA, 26% ROE and 21% ROIC? I'm hard just thinking about it. And all this while it trades at 5x earnings and little over book? Oh lord, oh...
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    US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

    @resjudicata Correct. My previous reply got auto-deleted. But seeing people mock others who are struggling to deal with 10+% YoY food price increases is peak AusFin. People here don't touch grass. Every day I visit this sub that observation becomes more self evident.
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    Monthly CPI rose 4.9% annually

    @inspirationministrys1 Some AusFinanciers would say this unironically
  18. J

    Hike slowdown coming: Market still expecting 50bps for October, but slowing to 25bps in Nov and Dec

    @usmprincess08 The RBA is not going to go with 25bp today. Please stop this nonsense.