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    Interactive Brokers gets rid of monthly fees & minimal account values

    @cynicious Does it allow the purchase of US ETFs though? I would have thought not
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    Starting a pension, have a couple of questions!

    @lamsh05 Yes yiu can put a lump sum into a pension at the end of year, in fact up to October 31st the following year. I did it and hit 49% refund within days which was a nice bonus. A PRSA with Davy might be a good option to let you buy individual shares within a pension - I think they charge...
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    23 years old and not sure what to do

    For example you could afford something like this easily Then looks like yiu could charge 580 per month for a room (this is the Max- for two rooms) Your...
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    23 years old and not sure what to do

    @rupereta Firstly - well done. I definitely think you should up your pension contributions. It is by far the most tax efficient way to invest in Ireland. If I was you I would be putting in the max 15% and let it compound for years and years tax free. I probably wouldn’t bu property as an...
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    23 years old and not sure what to do

    @rupereta Ya you need to live in the house to claim this. Makes a lot of sense if you we’re going to move out and rent anyway. Also people staying with you are not considered tenants to easy to ask them to leave if it’s not working out. This is much better than renting a property as a...
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    Pension Actual value

    @newlyconverted101 Of course
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    Is this a good deal?

    @duke7779 That’s crazy - I didnt think it would be so dramatic! I think the move is definitely do it for the employer match (sorry if yiu clarified before but they are really inky matching 10% of your contributions?) and then just transfer it into something better once you move on from the...
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    Pension Actual value

    @newlyconverted101 Ok sorry
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    Pension Actual value

    @newlyconverted101 Ya kinda I think there are rules saying 25% max, but if you put the remainder in an ARF nothing stops you taking it all out instantly and paying the tax. Generally a bad idea I guess 🤷‍♀️
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    Is this a good deal?

    @jimmia84 Or just open a PRSA. Stillget tax relief and can invest in S&P500 (or similar)
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    Pension Actual value

    @artur So usually you can only take 25% of the total pot as a lump sum. in yiur example of 1million this would be 250,00, 200,000 tax free and then 50,000 taxed at 20% - so a total lump sum of 240,000. This leaves 750,000 You could put this into an annuity (guaranteed income) or an ARF where...
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    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    @jordansprings About .9% last year I think
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    Also corporation tax for rent will be 25% not 12%.
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @tameru Ya fair enough. I know someone who has inherited a company that owns property and looking at it from the outside seems it would be better if the properties were owned outright but again not that sure. -from what I can see excess profits in the company are subject to the close...
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @tameru Why set up the company to buy the properties?
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @reasonwithme How do you figure?
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    Withdrawing profits from ETF yearly a sensible idea?

    @thesartist Ya few issues Biggest one is that the Vanguard S&P 500ETf doesn’t go up by 18 every year. Past performance nit an indicator of future performance and all that :) Sure it might go up 18% some years, and on avaerage you should get a good return but there will abolsuteky also be...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vulcanlogician So just to be sure... we are agreeing? Has this ever happened on the internet before?
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vulcanlogician Ya - just to clarify I was agreeing with you
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vulcanlogician This... seems really bad and expressed in really weird terms.. Whereas if they were to match up to 10% then that would be very good (even taking into the high AMC)