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  1. J

    Builders may not be able to squeeze extra money from the buyers

    @evangelisteghosa Unfortunately you will not like anything what could lead to such situation. It would be either an open war with Russia, or genocide/forced deportation of large portion of Canadian population. Actually, war would likely not be effective with decrease in prices as it can also...
  2. J

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @roann OP hasn't said that they are planning to get mortgage soon. If so, they should definitely use HISA. But on the other hand, houses correlate with stock market, so if snp500 decreases, houses will likely also decrease. So risk is actually smaller than it looks at first glance.
  3. J

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @roann People usually don't have expenses with this exact amount. In most cases expenses are either smaller or larger than that. OP also mentioned that 12 months comes from promotional email and not because they NEED money in 12 months.
  4. J

    Bank is offering 4.6% APY - should I park $220k my savings in there?

    @roann All of it? Unlikely. If large portion (for example 50%), there are ways to hedge that.
  5. J

    Went from broke to 6 figure income, need help

    @resjudicata It is very easy, eg by using a credit card.
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    The Ten Commandments of R/PFC

    @resjudicata r/pfjerk
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    300k to invest, lump sum or dca? VWCE or VUAA?

    @larryzz I would say the right answer depends on amount already invested in snp500 or other correlated assets (eg a house). If new investment is less than 20-50% of existing investment amount, then lump sum. Otherwise DCA.