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  1. J

    Is Fixed Deposit with 2.6% pa worth it?

    @champ1987 Then find the best interest rate available, with free ATM in your area.
  2. J

    Is Fixed Deposit with 2.6% pa worth it?

    @champ1987 Online account , lending club pays 4.65% APY. no minimum balance, free STAR ATM. Don't lock your money in a CD if you might need it- you'll lose the interest if you won’t hold it until it matures.
  3. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @pankaj0008 What's that, something that keeps your food warm all day long? Why would you keep it warm for so long? Aren't you losing nutrients??
  4. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    Ok, guys, downvote me as much as you want bc obviously you didn't study physics and don't understand how much energy you are wasting. You never tried it and you are too lazy, that's why you're wasting money. It's not difficult to push a few buttons My TV, . cable box were on a strip that I...
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    Save money by unplugging devices

    @mrsjohnson2017 I had outlets with a turn on / off switch, so it was the perfect way for testing this. It was off, yet the power was still leaking, not enough to power a bigger device, but enough for a night light. First, I noticed that happened when we had a power outrage and my night lights...
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    Save money by unplugging devices

    @teslafied Read the other posts on this subreddit... and tell me where exactly I'm dumb. Replacing all the light bulbs in the house might not be cheap ,especially for people who can't plan financially or don't even have a car. I'm offering a helpful advice ,without doing anything extra or even...
  7. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @shad09 I didn't say to unplug the microwave! I meant to use fewer lights, as some people I personally know have lights on all levels of the house when there aren't any people. Or overhead lights, table lamps and kitchen light over the oven in the kitchen are all on simultaneously. That's...
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    Save money by unplugging devices

    @guevaraj You don't understand what I wrote. All my night lights cost me 70 cents per month. LESS than ONE super efficient light BULB .
  9. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @losinghope007 You don't know how many devices plugged in 24/7 on average. Laptop chargers, Xbox, cable box - I noticed the difference just with the last 2
  10. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @silentthunderstorm Are you on drugs, as usual 🤔
  11. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @girlandtheword Get night lights, I have 4 in the living room. Thus I have ambient lights all over the house. Makes it easier to fall asleep too. Plus kids and babies love night lights
  12. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel How do you think those fancy casinos are not going out of business?
  13. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel It's not my post. Sorry for the confusion. It's a newer post
  14. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel What advice would you give to this person? I don’t know what to do anymore I’m 21 and in debt about $5000 right now all because of my gambling addiction -$5000 in debt for personal high APR loans -missed my car payment last month and will most likely miss it this month -credit...
  15. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel Idk if your house should be lighted up like a Christmas tree 🎄 every day of the year. I have ~1700 sq ft 3 levels townhouse , and it's about $260 + $ 25 gas per month. Including running AC to keep 20°-21 ° in summer May-Sep and 18°-19°-21° in winter.
  16. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel I didn't realize how popular peanut butter was in the Netherlands. I don't like it, sadly, it's too Oily for me.
  17. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel There are posts on living on $20 worth of food per week. I'm not sure if you can relate.
  18. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel Obviously, it's always better to earn 1000-2000 dollars extra per month. However, we're on povertyfinance subreddit, and many people here aren't able to do that ,unfortunately. I'm sure they'd all jump on the opportunity to do so. Did you read any posts ? Every 3rd one is...
  19. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @thanksyoueel How much is your electric bill and how big is your house
  20. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    @chelle14 You mean fridge? Washing machine, dryer? Put your food outside, it's freezing cold now 🤣 Wash bigger loads Air dry certain items, add some moisture to your air in winter. I'm not saying that you'll cut your bill in half, but it might shave 10-20 bucks