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  1. B

    The cost of raising a child in India: School costs ₹30 lakh, college a crore

    @shemaiah Nothing is free. Even in ideal world. Someone has to pay for it.
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    [Milestone] Crossed 1 cr networth

    @revots Is that 5 cr in today’s base because it will be like 2 cr in today’s money.
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @leoneltable I mean people have been known to make up situations in this sub before so just pointing out the story doesn’t add up.
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @transformedmind But then OP isn’t revealing how much is he actually spending as he has not revealed money got from parents. What if he has a nice car which he got and petrol cost is covered by parents. He has mentioned he splurges on food and drinks. What is his parents pay every time they...
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @transformedmind Percentage in itself unless combined with the amount of salary is not important. I spend pretty good amount of money but because of my salary it only makes up only 30% of my salary. If I had home in my work city, that spend would have dropped to 15%. But in OP’s case salary is...
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @hugosan I mean if he is putting most of his expenses on his parents then yeah he can easily survive on that amount. But then we can’t answer if he is stingy or not as we don’t know much his actual spend is.
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @hugosan He has written he splurges while eating out and drinking. He also buys good clothes and has taken 2 trips already in this year. I haven’t even included his daily expenses which even if taken at 100 Rs will come as 3000. Let me know the math behind total annual spend of 60k including...
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @leoneltable Either OP is not telling the whole story or lying. With 6.5 l ctc, his in hand can’t be more than 45k. With 90% savings, he is saving less than 4.5k. He can’t be eating out and drinking and buying good clothes which he mentioned in that amount. Unless he uses his parents’ money for...