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    Thoughts on 5M Portfolio?

    @piouswhale How much is enough for generational wealth? Or is there no limit? Personally I believe being able to give your kids a head start is great, but making them so rich that they don't have to work or ever be challenged to do anything isn't.
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    Thoughts on 5M Portfolio?

    @akb For a while? Dude you could live longer than the longest living person in human history with that setup. After you factor in SS income that will be less than a 2% yearly draw rate.
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    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @slingshotandrock Varies a lot. Like $3-8 for a beer. $5-15 for a cocktail. Maybe $25-50 for an average restaurant meal for 2 people. (There are a few high end neighborhoods that could cost more but I would say this is what most people pay) The main thing that will save you a lot of money...
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    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @merleharlin Yeah that's pretty absurd. A single person can be pretty comfortable on $60k in OKC. Maybe even less
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    I just inherited ~£200,000. Help!

    @fengchi The S&P500 is an index fund with hundreds of companies in it. It is diversified, and it has had reliable returns for the past 100 years that very very few people or assets have been able to beat.