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    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn 1 year is a short term goal, aim for a higher and longer goal. Next year is not realistic at all unless you change company. I suggest to build up your LinkedIn profile. Make company HR look for you, and not the otherway around. You will need to build connections and gain more...
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    Tax E-Filing with long name

    @sod601 You will have to truncate it, even first few letters are fine. Isnt tax report only until March 15? Good luck.
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    Did the prices of real-estate went up over the past 2 years?

    @milagrace2018 Try to find Suumo magazines in your area, they usually have information about the average prices per sq meters in a span of a few years. Although there are a lot of other reasons why the apartment you saw recently is more expensive than before (e.g. floor, years, direction...