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    Indian equities market performance vis-à-vis global markets post corona-virus rebound

    @lauren_ How much did the markets fall before Mar 23rd/pre-Phase 1? Isn't that equally important.
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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @shammysdad This is a very good effort. Suggest, re-do the exercise for one - Nifty 50, lay out all your calculations/assumptions. As for the Tracking Errors #s - not sure of them, suggest you show your sources for them too. Similarly what is Transaction costs, why is it 0.10% for N50, NN50...
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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @shammysdad Ok. How much have you assumed tracking error/cost for UTI N50 & ICICI NN50 to be?
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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @shammysdad Not sure why the annual cost for UTI's Nifty 50 Index fund (Direct) is 0.40%, believe it is 0.10%. Similarly for ICICI's Next Nifty (Direct) it is 0.39% not 0.84%. Perhaps, you have taken the expense ratio for regular funds, instead of direct. If so, Index funds at least for the...