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  1. G

    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @hayleyrosebriningbakfaith I don't have the report to hand now and I can't remember all of the details, but I am cautiously optimistic about the response. Our concerns were definitely heard. Specifically, the fact that they're looking into an ISA style system, which could go a long way to...
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    LIFO & tracking cost basis

    @dmtisesp This is semantics and doesn't actually make a material difference. The lots only matter for CGT purposes. So yes your broker allows you to sell different lots outside of FIFO, but this only affects the reports that your broker generates and does not affect your tax position. Your...
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    150k at 25 y/o

    @craigb44 I'm not a huge fan personally. Low liquidity, concentrated risk, changes to legislation, high tax burden, etc. That said if you found a good opportunity and managed it well then there may be an opportunity to be had. I would just personally much prefer assets that have higher...
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    LIFO & tracking cost basis

    @dmtisesp You're way overcomplicating the FIFO stuff. It's exactly as it sounds - First In First Out. You don't get to pick which lots to use. So to your example above (assuming A is the first lot you bought) - if this was your holding and you sold 20 shares then you must start at the top...
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    150k at 25 y/o

    @craigb44 I'd start off by maxing out my pension. Unfortunately it's a week too late to do so for last year, but you can still do it for this year if you haven't already done so. You'll get a tax refund on your contributions so it won't put too much of a dent in your pot. After that I'd look at...
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    150k at 25 y/o

    @craigb44 What assets do you have outside of these investments? PPR? Pension?
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @andramaxy I agree that it is a bit hard to know what the winable battles are here. I think most individual investor wants DD to be abolished, but it is hard to see an argument for doing so apart from "I want to make more money". However I do think there is potential for it to be abolished...
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @undecided00 I previously did a post on ETFs versus Investment Trusts which basically shows that even with dividends being paid out (as is the case with ITs) the IT wins easily over a medium/long holding period. Dividend yields just aren't that high for the major indices compared to the capital...
  9. G

    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @anon777 Thanks for sharing your submission. To summarise, your proposal is: * ISA style scheme (you say for retirement specifically, so this just sounds like our current pension scheme?) * Investments taxed at marginal rate (ie. ~50% for anyone on over €40k a year) * Tax on unrealised gains...
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    3.5% options on Raisin

    @dallin If rates start dropping (and it looks like they probably will ) then it's better to have locked in the higher rate that's available now for longer.
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    (24 M) Investment Plan Critique. (Earning 400 P/W)

    @saachristian757 Why would you invest in both ITs and ETFs? Are there flat fees associated with these purchases? If so then investing every week isn't optimal. What's the goal of the money?
  12. G

    Advice on situation

    @mbsantos Ok well in that case I don't really see the relevance of the comment: since you'll have a property "lying there" one way or another. I know there's a housing crisis and all that, but at the end of the day you're not a charity and you have to do what is best for you. Speaking of what...
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    Advice on situation

    @mbsantos Sorry maybe I misread your original post. So you currently own a 400k house in Ireland. The 200k property you want to downsize to, would this be in Ireland too or your new location?
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    Advice on situation

    @mbsantos Usually people downsize to free up cash that they have a use for. Why are you looking to downsize if you don't have a use for the cash?
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    JPMorgan American Investment Trust vs Vanguard S&P 500 ETF?| Which Exchange?| Which Broker

    @bbonilla2 Yup, check out the Google Finance link in your OP. Dividend yield is currently 0.88%. Not huge but not nothing, especially if you're a higher rate taxpayer and want to leave this compound for decades.
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    JPMorgan American Investment Trust vs Vanguard S&P 500 ETF?| Which Exchange?| Which Broker

    @bbonilla2 I don't agree with your cons list for JAM. FX risk is a red herring if JAM is being compared to a S&P500 ETF. Both hold assets in USD (regardless of their trading currency), so the currency risk is the same. If you buy a bar of gold from me in euros or pounds, your exposure is to...
  17. G

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @whatnow He's not wrong. The government was taking public submissions on this over the summer and there was only about 100 submissions.
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    Considering a career change and probable paycut, looking for advice on things to be aware of

    @goatsandroses If you're feeling burnt out then surely taking your full allocation of parental leave is an obvious first step, rather than jumping straight to "I need to change career completely"
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    Considering a career change and probable paycut, looking for advice on things to be aware of

    @resjudicata Totally agree. I think this is probably what OP should look for. That would probably fall into the "take a step back in your current sector" path. They won't get that starting in a new sector like OP is talking about potentially doing.