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  1. P

    Car Insurance

    @resjudicata If OP is considering not even having accident insurance, I don't think they're gonna consider getting maintenance insurance
  2. P

    Car Insurance

    @resjudicata Insurance doesn't cover services, so that's quite a weird comparison
  3. P

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @lovebug3 You spent R100k on a car with 350k kms on it? That sounds like an absolute rip off. 100k can get you a pretty decent car. What did you buy, a BMW?
  4. P

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @strongarm5791 There's no way it's costing R90k annually to run an R80k car. Don't be ridiculous. You could literally just buy a whole new 80k car if something catastrophic happens to the engine. We're not talking about a 1980s engine here. A 80k car has plenty life in it.
  5. P

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @strongarm5791 There is no way an old paid up car is going to cost 7500 per month to run, which is what they'll be paying for the new car.
  6. P

    What do you do with money you have saved and extra income in SA?

    @jisun First thing you should be doing is maxing your TFSA, which is R35k-ish per year