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  1. P

    Advice re clearing my credit card

    @thorwald Try get a new credit card with a 0% balance transfer(Avant actively advertise this). Then transfer the balance, pay Ur 35pw & lash what u can off of it
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    lowest interest rate on mortgage u have seen

    @jesrdking That rate was only for people with an LTV below 60%
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    In my first year of college, I can finally work, what should I do?

    @clartyclark A food job like burger king is good, they treat U well,U get paid well(for what it is) and U get fed. If in city centre U can do at least one weekday shift after college. With regard to ur braces,ur sister is wrong,nobody goes there for braces,imagine travelling back & forth. Many...
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    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 Yes but it's already a bidding war with three people who have actually made offers &(unless they are idiots) gotten surveys. Can u afford to pay 300-600 for full surveys each time? Maybe set some ground rules for urself(I got carried away on the first house I bid on & am so glad I...
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    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 Not sure why u would enter what is already a three person bidding war for what isn't a great prospect. Not even worth paying hundreds for a survey.
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    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 Decor & furniture are standard. Get a FULL structural survey, then if no significant remedial works, get quotes for the works to be done. U can use this to bid lower by highlighting the minimum works to be done.
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    Rent a room scheme

    @deebouchie Works especially well if your single & resent 2 rooms out & use it to pay on TOP of your mortgage payments. 70k over 5 years but paid monthly also knock tens of thousands off in interest and years in term.
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    mortgage interest rates

    @boagz57 The car loan will be cleared by the time ur rate may go up. I don't think rates will be this high in 3 years.
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    Being ripped off with by AVC

    @thex Why don't U check the documents U signed setting it up? It is generally permitted to move AVC funds to ur current pension or to use to buy back years in current pension however as this was public sector & it's historical it may be linked to the actual pension U held at the time. Also...
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    Should I downgrade my car?

    @trevayne So maybe try overpay where u can for now? Good luck
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    Should I downgrade my car?

    @inthefathershouse Is it so hard being an incel? U have no opinions of Ur own so make asinine comments like this to feel superior when Ur so inferior?
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    Wise to move out?

    @lola7 Not on this climate. Why don't u look online at what is available. Then take that amount of rent money plus any extra money you would need to pay that u don't at home(good,utilities,internet,cleaning supplies,transport etc) put it aside monthly whilst also saving monthly(u didn't mention...
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    Should I downgrade my car?

    @trevayne Are U in financial difficulty? If not, why bother? U like & use both cars, any new car for committing will be rife with the risk of issues that may end out costing more. Stick with what U have,make ur payments,overpay if U want/can.
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    Buyout house from partner

    @kim75 Unless Ur mortgage gage provider has left the country, the quickest, easiest & cheapest option is to liaise directly with them. You will essentially be doing as transfer of title from joint to sole name with additional funds to buy out her interest. You will need to provide them with a...