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  1. B

    Is now a good time to buy NISA?

    @jwray The S&P 500 itself is about 10% below all time high (although much recovered from the slump of 2022). However in yen valuation it will be ATH because the yen is 145 to the dollar right now. I would buy but accept that there may be an unusual amount of short to medium term volatility. You...
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    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    @a1235 I agree there’s a considerable amount of natural disaster risk that has to be priced in but, to use your example, the 2011 quake ended up being a blip in the growth of Tokyo house prices during the 2010s. I think that modern construction methods have also made a big difference -...
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    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    (Yes, this is a Tokyo centric thread, please spare the “who cares / life is much better elsewhere” replies). By central central I mean inside the Yamanote or just adjacent to it (west Shinjuku, Shinsen, Daikanyama, Tabata etc). The post-Bubble couple of decades in which a small detached house...
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    Flawed idea?

    @thamtutuhoanglong Are you sure about d)? I’d like to see your projection for rental income set against mortgage payment, once condo fees, maintenance and property taxes are factored in.
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    Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

    “The payments have not been reduced” FYI the public pension payment was last reduced in 2021 and 2022.
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @manishk012 Different kinds of risk though. In our lifetimes I think there is a decent chance of high Japanese government debt eventually leading to a borrowing crisis and a run on the yen (which would be massively accelerated as millions of Japanese families raced to move their cash deposits...
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    Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

    @phillev There’s nothing ridiculous about the first conjecture. See the Mainichi from today discussing a court ruling that a man from Ghana was ineligible to receive welfare payments: “Based on a notice by the former health ministry, there was a time when those of other nationalities were able...
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    Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

    @phillev Instead of straw-manning, how about listing some more reasonable arguments people might make: “But by the time I retire Japanese politics might move in a more nativist direction and restrict pension payments to citizens only, or to those residing in Japan” “But despite these COL...
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @halleluyah I mean, if one of the megabanks went down it would bring down the entire Japanese financial system, so worrying about say MUFG going under seems a bit unlikely. A run on the yen is more likely so I would definitely be looking at diversifying the cash into different currencies, with...
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    So we want to sell the apartment we just purchased

    @gustavowoltmann Up to you but I have to say that saying you’ve suffered emotional damage and no longer want to live in your new apartment just because the heated floor got flooded seems like an overreaction. As 1 and 3 both begin with getting the damage fixed at seller’s expense, I would start...
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    Am I doing this right?

    @victoria37 I doubt it makes much difference given the overlap and correlation between all-US and S&P, but maintaining the 60:40 balance seems like unnecessary effort. No world stocks? I would be tempted to throw in a few to smooth out currency fluctuations. If you buy say 50% world index and...