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  1. P

    Help me spread my savings into investments

    @silbo Can get better interest at Thyme bank
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    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @dayna Have to apply online which is a bit of a pain but interest rate is +_10%
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    10X Retirement Calculator

    @siriusp23 Have to take inflation into account and it is not 5%, more like 12% per annum, speaking from experience, I have been retired for 9 years
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    Garden Route Middle Class

    @michaelchamberslee Supply and demand, all Gauteng people moving to Garden route
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    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @dayna Can look at Rsa retail bonds, but all interest is taxed over R23800, so best bet is your bond first then shares if you know what you are doing first R40000 capital gains is tax free per year, tax free account R36000 input per year
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    7 distinctions, need guidance on next steps

    @dreamylala Every engineer that I met wanted to be an accountant and every accountant wanted to be an engineer, so choose wisely. I was a chemical engineer in the field of water, now retired.
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    I'm a 25 (F) year old Candidate Attorney receiving a stipend of 7k per month

    @artsycat Can add R36000 PA to your TFSA account, R3000 per month. Can use TFSA as retirement account max in a lifetime is R500000 at the moment
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    Mums financial advisor advice sound? (Afrikaans)

    @digitalsoldier0 Also check with every financial adviser what the Fees are , as this also erodes the investment. Also compare apples with apples 🍎
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    Retirement trade off: RA, TFSA, and a personal account

    @elly1 Depending on your standard of living, inflation is at least 19 to 12% pa, I have been retired for 9 years, and that's what I found.
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    Retirement trade off: RA, TFSA, and a personal account

    @elly1 What inflation and tax rate are you using for your retirement calculator?