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  1. S

    How to cash out of scammy

    @treyg I don’t have usdc. I’ll have a look into easy crypto tho and see which other coins they take. Thanks
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    How to cash out of scammy

    @treyg Recently? Can I transfer my stuff there to withdraw it?
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    How to cash out of scammy

    @roseman11 Thanks for your input. It’s called having varied investments, and is 2yrs holding long enough for you? Or are you going to make judgement on that too? Tosspot
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    How to cash out of scammy

    Firstly big F U to this waste of space platform. Tried to talk to their support team who are vague as anything and refuse to help. Apparently fiat wallet isn’t working and that’s all they want to share, no how or why or alternative solutions - just nah you can’t have your money tough luck...