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  1. C

    What should I do with my reenlistment bonus? Getting the full tier 9 80k lump sum

    @lookingfordavid Nothing wrong with targeting the debt. I would target the highest interest debt first. A lot of other factors come into play though. Make sure you find a fiduciary advisor if you go that route. There’s too many sharks out there using the military connection as a means to charge...
  2. C

    Money management ,S&P 500 vs realestate vs elsewere

    @foundlamb I don’t disagree with you. Just curious why you advocate that order? My thinking in referencing TSP first would be the low cost aspect of it. Very little fees with a decent number of funds to choose from. Curious your thoughts.
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    Money management ,S&P 500 vs realestate vs elsewere

    @robkatch78 Maybe check out some Boglehead investing tips or find a fiduciary advisor. Looks like you have your emergency fund. Next I would focus on maxing TSP/401K followed by other IRA tax friendly accounts. Then move to taxable brokerage.