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  1. J

    Pay off debt or beef up savings?

    @freeyourmindfromthelies Definitely pay off the wife's car before the credit card. You're paying more money in interest on it. I'd also look at increasing your TSP sooner rather than later. You're probably fine to wait until after the PCS and you figure out the new budget for the new location.
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    [TSP traditional to roth] GS-7 what to do with $8,000 from first year of TSP contributions

    @matt_hil Just hold what you currently have in the traditional TSP. Change your contributions to Roth going forward. Any option to get it out of the traditional TSP will create taxes and penalties.
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    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @texasjo He could retire, get a job making exactly what he's making now, and pocket the $52K a year. Or he could work for what he's already making, and get zero extra a year, with the goal of getting more later. Any investment calculator you run will tell you that investing the $52K a year...
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    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 You've already done all the standard things I'd tell you to do. Put it in a brokerage account in an index fund. Leave it alone until you need it.
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    BRS Continuation Pay Info, Air Force

    @sjasti Doesn't seem likely with the current retention.
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    TSP Question

    @fellowsheep Someone else already said it, but you'll want her to: 1. Change future allocations to the C fund 2. Do an interfund transfer out of the G fund into the C fund Neither has any impact on whether you get the match. If the wife has only been in 3 years, I'd also recommend putting her...
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    Deployment or commission, from a strictly financial pov

    @gautier Commission. The extra money in the pension will almost certainly outweigh one tax-free deployment.