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    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @holywalk What are you reading, listening to, etc? Where/how are you getting educated? I didn't assume you were GME. I think more people ended up ruined by that move. The fact you have $100K is an indication that you're long term. There is nothing wrong with hitting the timing lottery...
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    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @holywalk Okay, now we're talking. How did you do it? Where did you learn that strategy? Or are you just riding the wave of bonuses, free education, & great timing?
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    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @holywalk So you never bothered to actually say what your financial education background is... You gonna fill us in, or just attack? Idiot officer can't admit he doesn't know something. The worst kind of "leader."
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    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    @holywalk Interesting. Because, I see a lot of bad advice regarding TSP, investing, and credit cards. Why the mods don't work to clean that up is beyond me. Maybe its a matter of self-selection. And why would it be a bad thing to share educational resources?
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    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @jose96 Where did you get this chart? I'm sure there are well over 3 million participants in TSP.
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    Where/How much financial training do you have?

    This is not an attempt at self-promotion. --------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is important to understand the background of this thread if people are going to lean on it for financial advice. Welp... I wanted to do this as a poll. But that's not an...
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    L fund to G fund

    @kristen76 NO! I am an advocate for having money in the G-Fund, but NEVER time the market. You keep *some* money in the G-Fund to secure gains and take advantages of opportunities (like March 2020). That is part of rebalancing based on strategic ratios. Set the ratio and maintain it... based...
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    L fund to G fund

    @chadwick90 The problem with the F-Fund is interest rates. Interest rates and bond prices are inversely related. As interest rates fall bond prices rise, and vice-versa. The Fed has backed itself into a corner. It can't cut rates any further without going negative. Negative interest rates...
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    L fund to G fund

    @chadwick90 Bonds are the F-Fund. G is short term treasuries.
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    L fund to G fund

    @swill314 Minor edit, they take 1-5 days to process. Pretty sure they are processed at the end of the day and the order close is about mid-day. So if you make the transfer request in the afternoon on Thursday before a long weekend, they won't make the move until Tuesday afternoon.
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    L fund to G fund

    @kristen76 You don't need a magic 8-Ball if your investing strategy includes the "safer" investments and a ratio based investment strategy. You just rebalance to maintain that ratio. The market takes care of the rest.
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    How am I doing Financially?

    @mudhen Remember 2008? Inflation was supposed to spike then too. Now I do agree that people will go on a spending spree. But that money will end up with the banks and corporations who will, once again, use it to shore up their balance sheets. They're gonna sit on it. Thus reducing the...
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    How am I doing Financially?

    @marinda This is the same advice I would give everyone in a similar situation based on the same principles I use when managing my money. Nothing has changed. Its completely consistent. So why do you agree with this but assert that all the other advice is bad?
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    How am I doing Financially?

    @john416 2005 Taurus. How many of those do you see on the roads today? We can reasonably estimate that car has logged over 150,000 miles. And a quick internet search will show that those model years had historically bad reliability. Why would he keep that car if he's about to start a...
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    How am I doing Financially?

    @kaydrelia You need a new car. You need more cash. You need to set up investment accounts that you can actually access before 59.5. ----------------------------------- Bring on the downvotes, but this is the only correct answer.