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    [Louisiana] Just received 90-Day PoE Notice threatening overpayment, but I've already won my overpayment appeals...?

    @dmaxie61 Did you get PUA or regular unemployment? You probably weren’t entitled to either but what’s important right now is that you said you won your appeal. Were you granted an overpayment waiver? You will need that document when you contact them.
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    [California] How do I report my hourly if I make tips?

    @holoman If it is asking for your hourly wage I would just put your hourly wage. Tips are not your hourly wage
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    [New York] Can I be denied unemployment for not going into the office?

    @photomanpianoplayer What were you told when you were discharged? Did they give you a reason? Was it in writing?
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    [Massachusetts] No unemployment payment for almost three weeks

    @pandahat Is this your original claim? Or did you reopen your claim on 9/28? Maybe your claim year ended? Did you report wages when you submitted for the weekending 9/30?
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    [Pennsylvania] Will I qualify if I voluntary quit due to my job refusing pregnancy accommodations/forcing leave?

    @cristo This is going to be NJ dependent. There are some states where if you remain job attached (ie on an unpaid leave then you are not eligible for benefits). Hopefully, someone from NJ can weigh in on this. You need to find out of you are eligible for any other programs if you become...