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  1. C

    If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

    @resjudicata again, what's to stop me from only putting sp500 listed companies in front of the toddler? this is completely beside the point. stop arguing semantics.
  2. C

    If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

    @resjudicata it's as random as the toddler scenario. you're missing the point. the point is this is a completely bullshit method of selecting stocks. it doesn't take anything into account other than the symbol which is completely arbitrary.
  3. C

    If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

    @resjudicata it's random. if you want to put parameters on it you can do that with the toddler too. this is complete bullshit.
  4. C

    If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

    @rudolph this is no more a strategy than letting your toddler pick your holdings for you.