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  1. M

    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    @bigpaul I don't think I would get policy from outside with all the pre existing diseases and age
  2. M

    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    @theendwasin70ad Well we don't have such option and company comes up with yearly reports citing premium paid vs claims made and shows concern that we are claiming more than we paid and hence premiums are increasing bla bla. I don't get this logic as well. This is basically health insurance and...
  3. M

    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    @theendwasin70ad Yeah, but unfortunately this is corporate policy thru employer.
  4. M

    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    If all the treatment is same, how can hospital changes ICU, surgery and doctor charges depends on the room considered. In case some of you not aware, for example if one gets admitted in the hospital and availed sharing room and final bill comes around 3lacs, where for private room this bill can...