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  1. Q

    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @missh Jesus Christ. Can’t fix stupid.
  2. Q

    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @missh Absolutely not true. If you’re a foreigner who has left Canada with plans to return. Keeping your RRSP open has tons of value, being for retirement and all… also, TFSA is a shelter against taxes, and RRSP a shelter against US withholding taxes. How is this not beneficial? There is value...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @missh Fact remains, you’re not allowed to open an account as a non-resident. Which makes absolute sense. Otherwise foreign entities could fuck our markets while being tax advantaged.
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @missh As a non-resident you aren’t allowed to contribute to Canadians retirement savings plan, this sounds sensible. The main reason you’d open a brokerage is to trade or transfer, which non-residents can’t do. If you are still a resident, you can open an account, and transfer. Source for...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @missh You think non-Canadian residents should be able to open an RRSP? That’s as likely as a Canadian owning a 401k.