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  1. C

    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @mariah_desiree You are quite right, just don’t buy from a dealer get it from private people. The trick is be patience and buy when prices are down like at the moment. My prediction is you’ll buy now at spot plus maybe 2-3% but you’ll sell when interest rates start coming down in a year or two...
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    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @dayna I’ve been buying up for R 600 - R 700. If things are bad in a years time they’ll be worth about the same but if things are good they’ll be worth about R 2000 each. Buy on the second hand market and spend a little time learning. As for it doesn’t move much i recently sold a gold kruger...
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    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @dayna Why not try silver krugerrands a go? Kinda like crypto but will always have value and due for a run anyway. Same for gold I guess
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    Where to go from here...

    @rjozen I'd look at net income after expenses and compare to the interest you are paying. I had R 500k in an access bond then the bank blocked the account so I couldn't withdraw the money when I needed it after losing my job, I needed to survive for maybe 2 months on it so wouldn't have needed...
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    Where to go from here...

    @rjozen if you take the interest portion of you rental debt so 11.75% of R 600k +- R 6k a month, if your rental is less than that sell it it's a lemon, take your returns if any and stick it in the other bond as rainy day fund, then kill personal loan first then the second bond. If you are...
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    Buying a car Vs rental subscription

    @rgvbaptist Get a scooter and rent a car if you want to go away for a weekend. The best car is a paid off one
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    General finical advice required

    @patt I just buy a phone cash and then buy cheap data in bulk once or twice a year. I’d add all the instalments together and see how it differs from the cash price in future
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    General finical advice required

    @patt Check interest rates on any loans start from the highest interest loan and pay that first then go on to next till you debt free. For your car ask what the instalments are and get a quote for insurance and start putting that amount into a fixed deposit. Stop buying crap. Money is your...
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    Help - R60k Debt + Judgment

    @tim71 I lost my business a while back and had multiple judgements. I saved up a fair amount over 3 years and did a credit health. Those that got judgements I called up and offered a lower amount as a full and final payment which they accepted. Then take the full and final amount letter to an...
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    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @doomicross Have you acknowledged debt within the last 3 years? If not just let them know it prescribed. They can keep asking but they can’t get a court order. If they want money let them go to court. There are cheap online lawyer services that’ll give advice and help you navigate. I had a...
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    Father-to-be needing advice

    @shelly48 You’re in for a rough ride dude. The most expensive thing is childcare and education. All the kids will need to study hard and do sports. Sports teach you humility and good grades do get you places. Don’t borrow money u Der any circumstances rather buy second hand. I buy almost every I...
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    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    @carolvdmerwe Nedbank pays 8% with 24 hour notice works great. Capitec also good
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    Fedgroup Portfolio earnings don’t match wallet income

    @leonariver I have blueberries and the returns are rubbish compared to to what they advertised
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    ZAR500k early inheritance from a parent

    @numbers511to31 problem with this is a loan has to attract interestand if I remember correctly you can't donate a loan, although what the law says and whats common practice often differs on finer lines.