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  1. L

    Employment down in June 2022 / L’emploi diminue en juin 2022

    @hydrangeal Don’t need a university degree. But high school isn’t gonna get you a high paying job less you fall back a trade. If it means taking a loan for school for 20k to get a career which pays 60-100k it’s worth it no?
  2. L

    Employment down in June 2022 / L’emploi diminue en juin 2022

    @hydrangeal I also “couldn’t afford it” and ya sucked working 30 hours and going to school a week but it’s doable, short term, and leads to a much higher income. Never to late to go back if you have something you want to do. Unless you found your passion already then I say to each ones own
  3. L

    Employment down in June 2022 / L’emploi diminue en juin 2022

    @hydrangeal Well you just answer you why then all by yourself